The Tuesday Pack / 8.2oz

the “tuesday pack” (tm me) materials: 100d robic back 70d ripstop fabric front and top mid weight spandex side pockets heavy weight lycra bottom pocket elastic attachment in front weight: body weight: 111g / 3.9oz straps weight: 123g / 4.3oz total: 234g / 8.2oz design intentions: it’s a clear summer workday and I’m 45min drive from a great trail, leave work at 4pm, scurry my way up to a spot to sleep up some beautiful natural path, maybe a view, have a quick meal, sleep. wake up at sunrise, scurry out, eat in the car on the drive home, back to work before 9am. w that in mind, this is a “I don’t need a lot of access to my stuff throughout a 12 hour trail day” pack, it’s an overnight-ish pack. very light on food weight/volume.“ out in death valley, b/c we prob dont want to carry our max of water, we’ll hike out in the afternoons when things are cooling off and spend the night sleeping out closer to our own beautiful view. out in the warm desert, high volume items like large shelters and clothing are not required, though, so i’ll be able to get away with a couple of days carry in this pack, i believe, while maintaining comfort. or at least, my cohiker will, if we decide to go out for ~1.5 days.

simple shoulder strap attachment design. i just use 2mm cordage i made these straps in 2018, they are simple and perfect. befree in one and rx100 + misc in the other

modular shoulder straps attachment at the bottom of the pack. i like my implementation here tbh, felt clever and works well this has been one of the coolest parts of making my own gear, simply having an idea work so well in practice. i’d encourage everyone to give it a shot. why modular shoulder straps? for me, b/c i make my own stuff, having modular shoulder straps means i don’t have to keep making shoulder straps. it can reduce waste in time & materials, so cheaper for you and better for the maker.

outside ditty + plenty of storage for bars

fitted for a 50oz bottle can squeeze more bars in there too

small bottom pocket, for water instead of food (for my sized hands) 100d robic back