The frantic rush of creating a ton of new gear combined with the ability to get to this trailhead in 45 minutes had me rushing out the door one random Wednesday evening. I mean, come on, I had to test my new 13.3oz climashield apex quilt.
So I arrived for a quick in and out close to home, knowing I’d be snow free and probably people free as well.

I hiked into Granite Lakes.

For some reason I felt like fasting most of the day and hiking hard without much in my stomach. For a short burst like this, I felt great. I cannot yet produce huge miles on little or no food though. Working on getting used to that feeling of hiking hard on low food, subjectively. The more I can anticipate harsh environmental and mental conditions, the better. It’s all training in one way or another, if you decide it is.
I hiked alone and had the tail completely to myself the whole hike in and out.

I was pleased, although a little cold already. I relaxed and ate a sandwich and looked around me.
Looking up toward Dirty Harry’s Peak, I thought, “dang, I bet I could probably get out and over that”. I looked at my trail map and mused. The forest was dense with brush and as I would later find out, conquering the insanity that was this initial planning, there was massive amounts of Devil’s Club and thorny (gooseberry?).
At this point, I was just happy to be out on a work day, the lake all to myself, quiet and yet surrounded by activity and life. A forest bath on a weekday, what a treat.

I headed back up trail to find water and a flat part of the trail to sleep on.
Time to test out all this new MYOG gear!!
I setup my warmer, wind-resistant myog bivy first.
Then I setup my 0.54 DCF cat cut tarp.
That night, things got cold. Yikes.

I woke up early and cleaned up camp, made some coffee and watched a true cloud roll in. Time to get going!
My quilt was coooooold! Not warm enough for 37* in my bivy with the clothing I had. But I was safe. Comfort rating tested!!! 45*.
I’m still using this setup, though, and believe I can get into the low 30s with some additional equipment –> various ‘worn’ down or apex insulating layers (totaling under 6oz for at least an additional 12* of warmth). I’m also psyched because one of them can be worn and hiked in (4oz). More on that to come 🙂